BUDDYWORKS Poses Extension - Structure
Parameter | Type | Description |
PE/Set | Int | Defines the picked pose set. |
PE/Float | Float | For pose selection and dance speed. |
PE/Height | Float | For height adjustment. |
PE/Mirror | Bool | Mirrors your pose. |
PE/Reset | Bool | Unsynced to reset and disengage Poses Extension. |
PE/ViewPortAdjust | Bool | Unsynced to realign viewpoint with current pose. |
PE/Favorite/Showcase | Bool | Unsynced to engage showcase mode. |
PE/Favorite/ShowcaseSpeed | Float | Unsynced to select showcase speed. |
PE/Settings/ViewPointCorrection | Bool | Unsynced to toggle viewport adjust functionality. |
PE/Settings/ViewPointProne | Bool | Unsynced to override viewport adjust for prone. |
PE/Settings/TrackingOverride | Bool | Unsynced to select tracking branch for partial tracking. |
PE/Settings/ForceJumpReset | Bool | Unsynced to override GoGo Loco detection. |
PE/Settings/DisableProxy | Bool | Unsynced to disable dial proxy-toggle handling. |
PE/Compatibility/GoLocomotion_StateBuffer | Bool | Saves GoGo Loco state before posing, restored after. |
PE/ViewAdjust/Active | Bool | Synced or Unsynced states if ViewAdjust is active. |
PE/ViewAdjust/X & Y | Float | Synced or Unsynced defines ViewAdjust X & Y. |
PE/HandAdjust/Active | Bool | Synced or Unsynced states if HandAdjust is active. |
PE/HandAdjust/L & R | Float | Synced or Unsynced defines hand gesture on each hand. |
PE/HeadAdjust/Active | Bool | Synced or Unsynced states if HeadAdjust is active. |
PE/HeadAdjust/X, Y & Z | Float | Synced or Unsynced defines head position on each axis. |
PE/RandomPose/Trigger | Trigger/Bool | Unsynced to invoke the random pose system. |
PE/RandomPose/PoseSet | Int | Unsynced to determine a random pose. |
PE/Exit | Bool | Unsynced condition placeholder for to-Exit transitions. |
GGL Variant
Parameter | Type | Description |
InStation | Bool | Unsynced Default for GGL conditional checks. |
PE/Exit | Bool | Unsynced condition placeholder for to-Exit transitions. |
PE/Active | Bool | Unsynced ensures support logic runs for PE functions. |
Go/Float | Float | Similar to PE/Float, for radial selections by GGL. |
Go/VRCEmote | Int | GGL parameter that performs various functions. PE uses some of its pose-space. |
Support Parameters [always unsynced]
Parameter | Type | Description |
PE/Favorite/Slot_X_Save | Bool/Trigger | Saves current main parameters when triggered, X being the slot. |
PE/Favorite/Slot_X_Load | Bool/Trigger | Loads slot X to main parameters, X being the save slot. |
PE/Favorite/Slot_X_Set | Int | Value for PE/Set, X being the save slot. |
PE/Favorite/Slot_X_Pose | Float | Value for PE/Set, X being the save slot. |
PE/Favorite/ViewAdjust/X_A | Float | Value for PE/ViewAdjust/X, A being the save slot. |
PE/Favorite/ViewAdjust/Y_A | Float | Value for PE/ViewAdjust/Y, A being the save slot. |
PE/Favorite/ViewAdjust/Active_A | Float | Value for PE/ViewAdjust/Active, A being the save slot. |
PE/ViewAdjust/PoseBuffer | Int | Stores current value of PE/Float, writes back after migration. |
PE/ViewAdjust/Migrate | Bool | Tells migration logic which PE pose space branch we are on. |
PE/Favorite/HandAdjust/WasActive_A | Bool | Value for PE/Favorite/HandAdjust/WasActive_A, A being the save slot. |
PE/Favorite/HandAdjust/L_A | Float | Value for PE/HandAdjust/L, A being the save slot. |
PE/Favorite/HandAdjust/R_A | Float | Value for PE/HandAdjust/R, A being the save slot. |
PE/Favorite/HeadAdjust/WasActive_A | Bool | Value for PE/Favorite/HeadAdjust/WasActive_A, A being the save slot. |
PE/Favorite/HeadAdjust/X_A | Float | Value for PE/HeadAdjust/X, A being the save slot. |
PE/Favorite/HeadAdjust/Y_A | Float | Value for PE/HeadAdjust/Y, A being the save slot. |
PE/Favorite/HeadAdjust/Z_A | Float | Value for PE/HeadAdjust/Z, A being the save slot. |
PE/HeadAdjust/Reset | Trigger | Resets HeadAdjust to default values. |
PE/Proxy/ViewAdjust | Bool | Triggers PE/ViewAdjust/Active when dials are used. |
PE/Proxy/HandAdjust | Bool | Triggers PE/HandAdjust/Active when dials are used. |
PE/Proxy/HeadAdjust | Bool | Triggers PE/HeadAdjust/Active when dials are used. |
Refer to Interface
Action Layer
- BUDDYWORKS Poses Extension - Poses&Dances: Main layer for pose and emote logic.
- BUDDYWORKS Poses Extension - Support Logic A: Controls slider loops, reset handling, viewport and save/load.
- BUDDYWORKS Poses Extension - Support Logic B: Orchestrates showcase system and helper functions.